This is a perfect way to spend a Saturday morning, making pancakes and consuming your daily value of sugar in one meal. These pancakes are rich and indulgent, and can be whipped up in a flash.
As a fan of maple syrup, I never thought I would be able to move away, but then I found chocolate on pancakes. It's sweet, rich, but not sticky, and is a perfect substitute to the sugary, glossy syrup we all know and love.
I can never find buttermilk around the house, probably because we don't have any at home. This recipe is perfect for those who don't want to buy buttermilk or make it at home. With only 7 ingredients, this will be a perfect way to spend your weekend morning!
1 cup all purpose flour
1 egg
2 tbsp granulated sugar
2 tsp baking powder - results in very fluffy pancakes
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 tbsp butter, melted and cooled
1 cup milk - for softer, thinner pancakes, use 3/4 cup
1/2 cup heavy cream
3 oz chocolate (not cocoa powder)
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda in a large mixing bowl. Make a divot in the center and add in egg, milk, butter, and milk. Mix batter together, but do not over-mix. A few lumps are fine.
Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Do not at butter. Place 1/2 cup of batter in the pan, and let the batter gradually move towards the edge of the pan. You do not have to guide it with a spatula to make a perfect circle, it will form itself.
Cook for 1-2 minutes until beautifully golden brown, then flip and cook for an additional 1 minute.
Chocolate ganache: Heat cream in a saucepan over low heat until small wisps of smoke start to rise. Immediately take off the heat and pour over chocolate. Let sit for 4 minutes without touching. Stir with a whisk or spatula until the ganache comes together.
Serve with chocolate sauce and enjoy!
